Truck Driving Jobs Often Come With Negative Stereotypes…
Not at Bay and Bay Transportation

Many jobs come with a pre-determined stereotype, but none more so than OTR truck drivers in the trucking industry. Many drivers at Bay & Bay Transportation constantly combat the stereotypes that the media has portrayed over the years. Hollywood has gone a long way to further the misconceptions of the old days, not bothering to update them to how things work today. Most stereotypes can be easily addressed with a little research. At Bay & Bay Transportation, we treat our employees as people, not as stereotypes of the role they’ve stepped into. Check out some of the common misconceptions of truck drivers and how easily they can be dis-proven.
Truck drivers are dirty. Most people assume that truck drivers, because they don’t have a readily available shower or washer and dryer, become a “dirty person” while on the road. In fact, the opposite is true. Many truck stops have modern shower facilities and laundry areas available, but most average travelers don’t notice because they avoid truck stops. Additionally, many transportation companies have adopted stricter policies concerning cleanliness and appearance.
Truck drivers don’t follow the same rules as everyone else. Most think that because truck drivers spend their days on the road they have their own rules and don’t pay attention to those set in place for everyone else. Whether its drugs, promiscuity, or the rules of the road, this has been a negative and false stereotype perpetuated by Hollywood’s portrayal of truck drivers. Truck drivers make their money by delivering their shipment on-time and undamaged. Most wouldn’t risk the time it would take to break rules just for a little “fun” that could potentially end their trucking careers. Almost all companies do drug testing and random screening of their employees to make sure they are staying safe out on the road. Most likely, the only “substance” you’d find in a driver’s system is caffeine from their favorite soda or coffee.
Trucks cause more accidents. This is a product of the media again. Trucks are more visible and garner more attention on news stations. There are many safety rules that govern the operation of a tractor trailer, and strict fines apply if they are broken. So the next time you are frustrated by a slow truck, just remember that they are keeping to the guidelines that help keep everyone safe on the road.
Only men are truckers. In fact, more and more women are joining the trucking profession. There are some that even pair up with their husbands to become team drivers. Though men are still the higher percentage of truckers, more women are seeking truck driving jobs.
Truckers are uneducated. Trucking has become a very profitable industry. Because of that, drivers come from all walks of life. There are those that have a high school diploma, as well as drivers that used to be criminal lawyers or doctors. Additionally, all that time on the road leaves plenty of airtime to listen to audiobooks, language tapes, and pre-recorded courses. So on top of having mechanical knowledge about their trucks, most drivers also have normal, if not above average, education levels.
As with everything, there are a few exceptions but, the vast majority of those with truck driving jobs are hard-working, family-oriented, educated, clean and careful. They come from all walks of life and share the same hopes and dreams as just about everyone. Bay & Bay is a company that celebrates and rewards those people.
If becoming a truck driver sounds like an occupation you are interested in pursuing, contact Bay & Bay Transportation. We are always looking to add motivated drivers to our team of transportation professionals.