Bay & Bay Transportation Honors Military Men and Women with Truck Designs
Truck Driving Jobs in Minnesota- Military Veterans- Bay and Bay Transportation
Bay and Bay Transportation was purchased by Dave Anderson, a Vietnam veteran, in 1988. Though Dave was done with his tours of service, he didn’t forget about the rest of the men and women still serving our country. As a result, Dave made sure that his equipment at Bay & Bay Transportation displayed respect and honored the service men and women that have sacrificed for our country. So began the patriotic truck designs that mark our fleet.
As you approach Veteran’s Day this November, you’ll notice more flags and patriotic themed decorations popping up around the neighborhood. At Bay & Bay Transportation, however, we honor our service men and women throughout the year. Our patriotic truck designs run the roads all year long and also double as an incentive for our drivers. “Some of our top drivers are awarded them [the patriotic trucks]. It is a nice bonus for them.” explains Zach Little, Vice President of Operations at Bay & Bay. With the advances in digital printing, we will continue to create elaborate truck designs honoring all aspects of the military that protects us.
The truck designs also double as publicity for Bay & Bay Transportation. Commuters are much more likely to talk about the beautiful patriotic designs on the truck on the right instead of the white panels of the truck on the left. Some corporations are starting to pay trucking companies to advertise on their blank slate panels thanks to the best vinyl sticker paper for crafting. Other trucking companies use the panels to promote certain aspects of the company, such as sustainability or recruitment. At Bay & Bay Transportation, our truck designs will stay on the patriotic side of the spectrum. We’ll keep the products and goods of our great nation moving while proudly honoring those in the military who keep our country safe.
Here at Bay & Bay, we aren’t just all design and no drive. In addition to our patriotic truck designs, we are committed to hiring veterans and active reserve military men and women for a variety of positions as both truck drivers jobs and non-truck driver jobs. We keep alive Dave’s idea, years after his passing, to honor those who serve and their family and make sure they understand that they have our support. With such a large blank canvas driving down the road, creating innovative and patriotic truck designs was the obvious answer.
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