Starting a new product brand can be a difficult process. Nothing can be more challenging than finding a distributor who will ship your product quickly and for the best price available. When searching for the best product distributor there are several things to consider in order to find the best option. If a suitable carrier cannot be found in Atlanta, Georgia after trying these suggestions, it would be very worthwhile to acquire truck brokerage services from Bay and Bay Transportation. With our help, connecting with the best distributor will be a breeze.
As found on, there are a few things you can do to help decide on a distributor:
Consider Whether or Not You Need a Distributor
It’s possible to do your business on the internet by getting ecommerce capabilities to ship your products. Another option would be to get a sales representative who can create catalogs for you.
Become a Member of an Industry Association
One of the best ways to learn of reliable distributors is by word of mouth. Recommendations can be easily obtained with connections to an association. By doing this you can talk to other business owners who can point you in the direction to the distributor who can best fit your needs.
Participate in Trade Shows
At trade shows, you’ll be able to talk face–to–face with distributors and get a glimpse of who you may be dealing with. Not only would you be meeting distributors, but other business owners, and even customers. Create a memorable exhibit and you shouldn’t have a problem attracting good distributors.
Visit the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW) Website
If none of the other options fit, then you may want to try searching the internet. The website of the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors is designed to bring businesses and distributors together.
Should deciding on a distributor still trouble you in the Atlanta, Georgia area, wait no longer and dial 800–273-0366 to speak to a representative at Bay and Bay Transportation. With our truck brokerage, we can get you in touch with a distributor that will provide you with all your needs.