The numbers are like sticker shock at a local truck dealership. The American Trucking Associations (ATA) is estimating that the industry will need nearly 900,000 new truck drivers over the next decade. That’s a lot of new people behind the wheel, not only in Minneapolis, MN, but in every corner of the United States.
The association’s estimates are based on industry growth and the expected loss of drivers’ due to retirement and other reasons. A shortage of drivers is actually nothing new. For the past 15 years, the transportation industry has struggled to find enough people to handle the available demand for loads. The only time there wasn’t an issue was when the great recession of 2008 caused industry volume to nosedive.
The numbers within the numbers offer the reasons behind the shortage: The median age of over the road truck drivers is 49. Federal rules limit the entry age of drivers to the industry to 21. While nearly half of all U.S. workers are women, only around 6% of those behind the wheel are female. Extended periods on the road away from home, competition from other trades, and increasing regulations are going to require more drivers to move the same amount of freight.
As with other carriers, Bay & Bay Transportation is also seeking qualified drivers. It’s not enough to just find someone who can operate a truck. For Bay & Bay, safety and professionalism are high priorities in hiring a truck driver.
Some other crucial factors Bay & Bay prides itself on when hiring include safety and reliability in the Minneapolis area and on the many short and long-haul routes we handle across North America. We offer competitive compensation and benefits packages to make every mile count.
It’s why Bay & Bay is known as a quality driven tradition. If you’ve got the right stuff, call (888) 801-3026, or visit our site for more details and information about how you can join our growing team in the Minneapolis area.