When it comes to winter truck driving, the phrase “the best offense is a good defense” has never been truer. When you’re on the road with unpredictable weather, unpredictable roads, and unpredictable people, having that “defensive offense” ready to go is vital if you want to complete your job as safely as possible. The veteran truck drivers at Bay & Bay Transportation want all incoming truck drivers to remember that defensive driving is wise year-round, but when winter hits in Cincinnati, OH, it’s really time to pull up all of your shields in preparation.
The first step toward a strong truck driving defense begins before you even leave the truck lot. Ensuring that your vehicle is fighting fit, both externally and internally, before hitting the road will save you grief down the line. Make sure that your tires are ready for slick conditions; that you have the tools necessary to clear snow from a variety of surfaces; and that you have all the supplies you need to stay warm, safe, and secure in the event of an accident or a paralyzing winter storm.
Once you join the ranks of winter drivers on the roads, it’s time to employ all the cautious truck driving techniques you’ve ever learned. Start by giving everyone around you ample room to move and stop. If you usually give seven seconds of space between vehicles, try upping that time to 14 seconds. Truck drivers are usually operating the heaviest vehicle on the road, and if road conditions are poor, their truck can be a first-class ticket to sliding into another driver.
The same advice goes for visibility checks. If you would normally check once, check twice. As a winter truck driver, you should be regularly checking that all of your lights are visible and free of ice and snow. Or, if your mirrors are covered in frost or flakes, you should take steps to ensure that they stay clear.
Being the biggest vehicle on the road can be a lot of pressure for truck drivers in the spring, let alone during the dangerous road conditions of the winter. If you’re a Cincinnati, OH, truck driver who knows how to play it safe in the winter and is interested in a professional truck driving position, contact Bay & Bay Transportation today for job opportunities and more information. Call us at (888) 801-3026 or visit our website here.