Any trucking company can take an order, but accepting an order and working with team members and other vendors to ensure it arrives on time and leaves a customer satisfied —that is shipment management in Joliet, Illinois and everywhere else in the U.S. that Bay & Bay Transportation rolls up to.
Bay & Bay knows transportation and shipment management in Joliet. The phrase “Crossroads of Mid-America” can be found on the Joliet city seal. It’s a reference to the intersection of I-80 and I-55. “The hub,” as others have dubbed it, is located just southwest of Chicago where Interstates, waterways, and railways meet.
Joliet is a place of opportunity for operators who want to drive over-the-road and locally for Bay & Bay. While drivers make it all happen, shipment management is the glue that holds things together as thousands of tons of cargo needs organization in order to get it to the right place at the right time.
Enter Bay & Bay’s logistics specialists. They know shipment management is the key to ensuring that shippers and carriers make the proper connections in order to stay on schedule. It starts with matching available shipments with carriers who have extra space and overseeing the job until it’s finished.
Good shipment management means keeping an eye on what’s passing through Joliet and using the city’s geographical location as an advantage. It’s also about keeping in constant contact with customers to find those available shipments and business opportunities.
At Bay & Bay we know just how important shipment management is to our bottom line as well as our driver and customer satisfaction. We know it’s critical to get it right, which will go a long way toward boosting our reputation of trust and value among our customers as well as raising profitability for everyone.
Discover why Bay & Bay is known as the best fleet to drive for and a quality-driven tradition. For more information about shipment management, call us at (888) 801-3026, or visit our website to learn how we can manage your next project in Joliet, IL or at locations across the entire U.S.